Ema Datshi (Bhutan)

This dish was something I feel the  Bhutanese people eat regularly. You have some national dishes out there that I strongly believe only come out on certain occasions such as major holidays.

I tend to have a little more respect for the national dishes that are eaten more than a couple of times a year. I however, am not from Bhutan so I do not know for sure if this is something they eat regularly.

What I can say however was that this dish was very easy to make, seems pretty healthy, and was really tasty(despite the fact, it looks like vomit)

The star of the show in this ingredient is the hot peppers, I used jalapenos but if you have access to Thai Chili’s I would say use those instead. For everything else, I followed the recipe to the letter.

My expectations for this dish was that it would be like a queso, but it is more of a feta’y salsa. This is not a bad thing. It tasted great over rice and had a pleasant taste with not too much spice. For the vegetarians out there, this is a dish for you.

Ema Datshi

The recipe is available here.


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